The Method

Pilates Fisios metodo Silvia Raneri® is a rehabilitation method that integrates the original principles of the Pilates methodology with the most recent medical-scientific knowledge.

Pilates Fisios metodo Silvia Raneri® was born from the need to code a rehabilitation method based on Pilates’ intuitions but which also meets the criteria of modern medical-scientific research and which differs from other approaches with more generic purpose of “fitness” or “well-being“. Developed by the physiotherapist Silvia Raneri, Pilates Fisios® aims to restore in the patient the best motor functionality whatever his pathology is (orthopedic or neurological), considering both the physical and the mental and psychological implications, and to make the patients independent in managing their own limitations and their own motor potentialities in daily life.

Pilates Fisios metodo Silvia Raneri® places the patient at the center of the therapeutic process. This type of approach, called “metacognitive”, tends to develop in the patient the awareness of what he is doing, why he is doing it, when it is appropriated to do so and under which conditions; it tends to form the ability to be “direct managers“ of one’s own abilities, actively modifying them with one’s own evaluations and functional indications. Thus, through awareness and direct management of their own motor skills, the patients can recognize, reduce or eliminate compensatory behaviors they might have developed and replace them with more functional behaviors.

This method offers a comprehensive view of the patient and of his own uniqueness, focusing not only on segmental rehabilitation or on the relations between the muscles but explores the connections that exist between the various parts of the body and the way in which each person develops motor strategies to reach a target. The exercises and the movement become “therapeutic tools” useful first to “evaluate” the patient and then to “rehabilitate” him. That is why Pilates Fisios metodo Silvia Raneri® is not based on standardized protocols to be applied according to the pathologies, but teaches and promotes the ability of the physiotherapist to develop a critical reasoning aimed at the goals of the rehabilitation treatment. This also make it possible to integrate it with other rehabilitation methods without altering the fundamental principles.

Pilates Fisios metodo Silvia Raneri® can be practiced by anyone of any age as a rehabilitation treatment and as maintenance treatment to decrease the risk of recurrence.