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Educational technology of using the system of Pilates for the prevention of spine disorders of female students

Educational technology of using the system of Pilates for the prevention of spine disorders of female students

Abstract The paper describes the educational technology of using Pilates for the prevention of spine disorders offemale students at higher educational institutions. The main stages of this technology are discussed in the paper.In the first stage, special attention should be paid to control over the movements, concentration and focus on theexercises done by the students with the low fitness level.…

The pilates method effects in postural alignment: pilot study

The pilates method effects in postural alignment: pilot study

Abstract The Pilates method created by the German Joseph Pilates is based on the application of six principles: center, concentration, control, precision, breath and fluidity. The basis of Pilates work is to strength of the center of force “Powerhouse” that is an expression that called the circumference of the trunk bottom (structure that supports and strengthens the trunk helping to…

Does Pilates-Based Exercise Improve Postural Alignment in Adult Women?

Does Pilates-Based Exercise Improve Postural Alignment in Adult Women?

A randomized, controlled trial was conducted to determine the effect of Pilates-based exercise on postural alignment. Seventy-four adult women (mean age ± SD, 34.9 ± 16.4 years) were randomized to a Pilates-based mat class (n = 40) or a control group (n = 34). Pilates-based exercise participants were taught the Initial Mat of Body Control Pilates for 6 months, twice…