Abstract: The purpose of the study is to identify the Pilates exercises program impact on the serotonin hormone
and some physical variables which represented in the (legs and back muscles strength, muscular endurance
and flexibility) and the depression degree for battered women. 10 Ladies of the resident in the host and guide
institute of the battered women of Minia governorate were subjected to implement the Pilates exercises program
for 12 weeks. The researchers used experimental method by pre and post measurement design to one group,
using Beck Aaron measure to measure depression degree and statistical data indicated that there are
statistically significant differences between pre and post measurements favoring post measurements in the
variables under consideration and for the telemetric and the presence of correlation inverse between the
serotonin hormone and the depression degree, it was extracted that Pilates exercise have a positive impact on
reduction of the depression degree, improvement in muscle strength, muscular endurance and flexibility

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